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assembly line 裝配線,流水作業線。

assembly plant

Research on balancing problem of type ii of two - sided assembly line 雙邊裝配線第二類平衡問題研究

Simulation of multiple - product assembly line planning 基于質量特征的柔性裝配規劃軟件的開發與應用

Simulation method for multi - product assembly line planning 基于變速箱裝配線的虛擬規劃建模與仿真

Balance analysis of ball - pin assembly line 球銷裝配線的平衡分析

Unique fan wheel and housing assembly line is in production 研制成功獨一無二的風輪風殼組裝機。

At the end of a chocolate assembly line 坐在巧克力生產線的盡頭

The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances 這些雨傘裝配線的抖動有相似之處。

Assembly line plan ning based on standard work time and sim ulation 基于仿真的生產線的規劃設計

The methods for solving the problem of balancing an assembly line 裝配線平衡問題的求解方法淺析

Dye - sensitised solar cells seek to mimic this assembly line 染料太陽能電池尋求模仿上述方式。

Combined u - shaped assembly line balancing 發動機裝配線平衡方法研究

Propose and validate assembly line layout 提案以及驗證組裝線布置

Method for engine assembly line balancing 裝配線平衡系統研究與開發

Monitor and manage the ramp up of the new assembly lines 監督和管理新組裝生產線的產量提升

The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed 由于安裝了新裝配線

This group is responsible for the movement of the assembly line 這個小組負責裝配線的運行。

Study of balancing assembly line ' s cycle time in tmc corporation 公司平衡裝配線生產節拍研究

Henry ford often gets credit for the assembly line 亨利?福特的裝配技術常常得到人們的稱贊。

Large board type assembly line 4 . hanging conveying line 滾道式輸送線